Manual Clamping
Manual Swing Clamp


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Maximum Holding Capacity (lbf) 600.0
exerting_force_lbf_english 323.0
Clamp Arm Length (in) 2.0
Stroke during rotation (in) 0.87
Exerting Force (lbf) 323.0
Vertical clamp stroke (in) 0.63
Stroke during rotation (in) 0.87
Height Under Clamp Arm (in) 2.19
Vertical clamp stroke (in) 0.63
Weight (lb) 1.32
Stroke during rotation (mm) 22.0
Vertical clamp stroke (mm) 16.0
Max Clamping Stroke (mm) 16.0
Exerting Force (N) 1437.0
exerting_force_n_metric 1437.0
Clamp Arm Length (mm) 50.8
Weight (kg) 0.6
Vertical clamp stroke (mm) 16.0
Height Under Clamp Arm (mm) 55.7
Maxmum Holding Capacity (N) 2670.0
Stroke during rotation (mm) 22.0
Product Function Clamping
DistributorGroup Workholding (Manual, Power and Hydraulic Clamps)
PublishedDate 1711629092000
Product Series 6000-SW
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